πŸ“ˆExperience Feedback

collect user feedback and gain valuable insights into their experiences.

Welcome to Stack Analytix Experience Feedback! Our new feature allows you to instantly collect user feedback and gain valuable insights into their experiences. This document will guide you through setting up and using Experience Feedback to gather feedback and improve your website.

Getting Started

To begin using Experience Feedback, ensure you have a Stack Analytix account. If you do not have one, sign up for a free account at stackanalytix.com. Once you have created an account, log in and navigate to the Experience Feedback tab.

Using Experience Feedback

Once you have set up Experience Feedback, you can collect user feedback. Here's how:

  1. When a user visits your website or application, the feedback widget will appear based on the custom settings you configured earlier.

  2. The user can then provide feedback by rating their experience on a scale of one to five, leaving a comment, or both.

  3. The feedback is instantly collected and viewed on the Stack Analytix dashboard.

  4. Analyze the feedback data to gain insights and improve your website or application.


  1. Log in to your Stack Analytix account and go to the dashboard.

  2. Navigate to the "Websites" section and select the website you want to enable Experience Feedback for.

  3. In the website settings, locate the "Collect Experience" option and ensure it is set to "Yes."

For example, to set the widget's button color to red and the text color to white, you can add the following lines to the pixel code:

  • _SKTLtextColor: The color of the feedback widget text.

  • _SKTLcolor: The color of the feedback button.

  • _SKTLposition: The position of the feedback widget on the webpage. It can be set to "left," "right," "top," or "bottom."

  • _SKTLbuttonTxtColor: The text color of the feedback button.

  • _SKTLbuttonColor: The fill color of the feedback button.

  • _SKTLquestionText: The text below the rate emoji that asks for feedback.

  • _STKButtonText: The text on the feedback button.

  • _STKShape: A list of objects that represent the rate options. Each object should have three properties: Display (the text displayed for the option), key (the unique identifier for the option), and value (the URL of the image for the option).

  1. In the pixel code, locate the following line: new StackAnalytix("" + c, "" + k).Start().

  2. Create a new object called ex_options and set its properties to customize the widget's appearance and behavior.

  3. The available properties to customize are:

By default, the Experience Feedback widget will be visible on your website. However, you can customize it to match your website's design and branding. Here's how:

var ex_options = {
    _SKTLcolor: "red",
    _SKTLbuttonTxtColor: "white",
    _STKShape: [
                { Display: 'Very Good', key: 'VeryGood', value: "https://img.icons8.com/emoji/256/smiling-face-with-heart-eyes.png" },
                { Display: 'Good', key: 'Good', value: "https://img.icons8.com/emoji/256/slightly-smiling-face.png" },
                { Display: 'Not Bad', key: 'NotBad', value: "https://img.icons8.com/emoji/256/thinking-face.png" },
                { Display: 'Bad', key: 'Bad', value: "https://img.icons8.com/emoji/256/dizzy-face.png" }
new StackAnalytix("" + c, "" + k, ex_options).Start();

In conclusion, activating and customizing Experience Feedback with Stack Analytix is a straightforward process that enables you to collect valuable feedback from your users and improve their experience on your website or application.

Last updated